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Escort girls in Harlow
Posted 7 years ago, by Admin

Impulse247 Blog: Escort girls in Harlow

My name is Shelly this is my real name and not my chosen working name and I have one of the best jobs in the world. I work as an escort. I only work 2 days a week being a Friday and a Saturday, mid week I work part time as a book keeper at a main dealer Jaguar garage. I am 5?11? slim size8 with long brown hair and fantastic 32 D natural bust. I have never had a problem getting a boyfriend and I have been told that I am stunning ( past boyfriends words not mine) I have my own house my own car and due to huge financial hand outs from my father a very healthy bank balance. I am 25 years old and have been an escort for 2 years.

So the question is why do I do escorting? simple I love sex , I love meeting people and love the thrill of walking into a strangers house. I absolutely love my job.

How did it all start? I was out with a friend in Essex one night and she was telling me how she was balancing a secret life by working for an agency, she told me that not only does she make decent money, meet some lovely guys but it has also become part of her social life, my best friend who I went through school with since the age of 9 has been working for a year and she never told me and I would never have know a thing until she told me. What shocked me even more was that one of her regular clients was a woman, you could have knocked me over with a feather with that bombshell so I thought if she could do it why not me. The following day I rang the number I was given for Escort girls in Harlow. Within a matter of 3 days I was walking through the doors of my first client who happened to be a couple, a fantasy of mine fulfilled and I got paid for it. It couldn?t get much better than that.

Impulse 247
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